Friday, December 12, 2014

Final grades are completed! Woo-hoo!

Scores for the Weekly blog maps, the Final Project Proposals, and the Final Project are available on Blackboard. There is also a column for the Field trip (everyone received the full 50 points to keep the grading scale listed in the syllabus). 
Letter grades have been uploaded to Patriot Web. Please be patient -- it can take some time for the scores to appear. Don't ask me why. I blame the ghost of George Mason... 
Once again I want to congratulate you on churning out some fantastically creative and compelling final project maps! I so enjoyed watching your progress and seeing the end result. You should feel proud of what you created!
I will send out information soon about cartography map competitions. They are not much work (you've done the hardest part already).
Good luck with any remaining finals/papers! Have a wonderful semester break!
-Professor Hallden
p.s. Stop by and say hi anytime (I'm great with faces but lousy with names so there is a good chance I will smile, say hi, and then draw a blank trying to recall your name. Please don't take it personally.). I do love hearing what you're up to. :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Today's the day!

Projects due at 10:30. Upload .AI and static version to Dropbox (if you're having issues with that, email is a backup). Make sure you have the best quality static version on your blog (that's the one you'll show and will be graded).

Presentations: no set order. Informal. Remind us of what you set out to make. What you ended up making. Any challenges? Any changes you'd make if given more time? Grand plans for the map? (or will you

That's it! Easy.

I will grade the projects and remaining elements today/tomorrow. Scores will go on Blackboard. Letter grade on Patriot Web. I will email when scores are up.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Final Project Info!!

Final Project Presentations are Thurs Dec 11th from 10:30am -1:15pm. It is my hope that we can get through everyone in that one time block. In fact, I'm betting everything on it. Presentations of completed maps move much quicker than critiques. 

Presentations will be informal: show the class your finished map, discuss the theme and audience of the map, the production steps, any hurdles encountered, and the end product. You'll be asked a few questions and then you're done. No critiquing. The Final Project/Presentation is worth 150 points. You will lose points if you do not attend or arrive significantly late / leave early. Please be courteous to your classmates and give them your attention. 

What do you need to turn in? The .ai of the final version of your map and the highest quality static version you can generate (png or jpg). I will view (and grade) the static version but want a copy of the .ai as backup. You do not need to print anything. And although we will all be viewing your map on the classroom's computer projector, I will use a nice, quality computer monitor to grade your map. 

How do you turn in your files? Upload them to the shared class Dropbox folder. Both the .ai and the static file you posted on your blog (please put your name in your file names). If you have any questions, please ask!

When do you turn in your files? **By 10:30am Thursday Dec 11th.** THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SYLLABUS. Because we are only using one of our 3 allotted final exam blocks I want the projects turned in when we begin. Make sure you upload the .ai and static as indicated above by 10:30am and you'll be all set. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Show & Tell Reminder

If you have not shared a map with the class, you have one more opportunity. Make sure you have something for our last regular lab this week (Thursday/Friday). 20 easy points.

Monday, November 24, 2014

3D city map puzzles

So the website says 4D Cityscape Time Puzzles...but unless there is a distinctive odor or they are edible (or emit traffic sounds), I think they are really 3D puzzles. But neat nonetheless. If they were cheaper I'd buy each one and affix them vertically all the way up my office wall.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

GIS Day and Lab 10

Lab 10 is still due today. If you haven't wrapped it up, use the class/lab time today to do so. I honestly won't even start looking at them until very late tonight.

Tomorrow is GIS Day @ Mason! 
Please attend! It is an event very much catered to you all. Print out the extra credit sheet on Blackboard and I'll give you easy points. The event runs from 10am-3:30pm in the Center for the Arts. You do not need to stay long nor dress up. And there will be some free food!

Congrats to all of the participants of the Mason Shuttle Map competition! Although I do not know the winners, I did get to see them all (as a judge) and I was very impressed. Distinctively individual approaches to visualizing a complicated space. Please make sure you check them out at GIS Day!

**Class Cancelled Today!**

***Class is Cancelled today: Tues Nov 18th. Lecture and Lab***

Sorry to do this but my kid's Dad had to go to the Emergency Room yesterday and although home now, still needs help. 

Today's plan was to go over Exam 3 (scores online), Sign up for Critiques, and have more Show & Tells. Here is what we'll do:

-I will go over the Exam during Lab on Thursday (and lab on Friday)
-Show & Tells will be moved to the Lab blocks for the remainder of the semester (giving everyone more flexibility to get it done). 
-Critique Sign ups will be done via email today. 

Critiques begin this Thursday and run through every lecture block for the remainder of the semester. Everyone has to have a time block. Info regarding the Critiques is on the class blog. I ask that you email me ( your top two preferred days/slots and I'll work to fill in the chart the best I can. 

As an incentive to get people to start this Thursday I'm offering 5 extra credit points for going that day. If you've already begun…..go for it!

Questions? Ask! I will be online as much as I can. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Critique Sign-ups (this will open on Tues Nov 18)

Critiques are an opportunity to get feedback on your in-progress map. I do not expect any completed maps! See prior post for details.

I will fill in names as they come in!

Thurs Nov 20
(Note, this day we will wrap up the lecture block ~8 min early. Lab will be open work time.)
(as an incentive, I'm giving 5 EC points for going this day!)
1. Colin
2. Jake
3. Nicole
4. Chris
5. Alfred
6. Jon

Tues Nov 25
(starting with Jon)
1. Katie
2. Yelsey
3. Melanie
4. Jeremy
5. Robert
6. Ramzi
7. Tim
8. Rob

Tues Dec 2
1. Sam
2. Jennifer
3. Anuraag
4. Bryan E
5. Matt
6. Sean
7. Garrett
8. Ashley
9. Nathan

Thurs Dec 4
1. Dai
2. Ernie
3. Diana
4. Micah
5. Brian
6. Trinh
7. Scott
8. Alex
9. Caitlyn

Final Project topics

Everyone has a green light! ( get to work!)

Critiques begin Thursday, Nov 20th. A sign up sheet for the Critiques will open on Tues Nov 18.


The Final Project Critique is a time to receive feedback on your in-progress map. Prepare a minimum of 3 questions to ask the class regarding your map. It can be on anything -- layout, projection, symbols, colors, classes, type, you name it. If you want to show more than one version of the map, that's great! Each student will get the lectern for 10 minutes.

You must attend class all 4 days (Thursday Nov 20, Tuesday Nov 25, Tuesday Dec 2, Thursday Dec 4) for an opportunity to receive credit for the critique. The 50 points are broken down as follows:
10 points: Showing the class your in-progress final map and asking, at minimum, 3 questions. 

10 points (11-20): participating in the discussion (lecture block)
10 points (11-25): participating in the discussion (lecture block)
10 points (12-2): participating in the discussion (lecture block)
10 points (12-4): participating in the discussion (lecture block)

I will be keeping a tally of the comments. Make a few good comments/suggestions that day and you'll get the full 10 points. One comment (or arriving late) will yield partial credit (5 points). Say nothing: 1 point. There is no makeup for missing a class day. And you must present on your correct day!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Weekly Blog Post #10: Bivariate/Multivariate

You know the drill. Find a great static map. This time with more than 1 variable (2, 3 or more).
Post to your blog. Explain why you selected it. See what the rest of the class found. :)

Google Doodles

So...Google's catchy little doodles on their home page -- the ones that change daily to reflect local/regional/world events -- are archived. And mapped! They show where the particular doodle was displayed. They have a lot of incredibly specific doodles!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Rosetta's path

WashingtonPost's graphic of Rosetta's path to the comet. Make sure you make it to the bottom where they show relative scale.

...and now this for the comet's scale (bonus if you can guess the location)

xkcd (the comic of geeks) live blogged the landing with comics (click through them).

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Females by State

So there I was critiquing the NC map that indicated the primary gender of each county....and then on the WashingtonPost site is that same principle for the 50 states: Reddit got ahold of this map and lots of questions popped up. Here is one person's correction

Friday, November 7, 2014

Physical Basemaps

Finding free quality physical geography basemaps is a challenge. Most of the ones you'll find online will charge a fee to download. 

One avenue is National Geographic's Map Maker: 
It has different map layers and a few have no labels (so your symbology does not interfere with text). Get your area of interest centered in the view window (away from the navigation icons) and take a screen shot. You can then import the screen shot into Illustrator as a static raster layer. You will not be able to edit the basemap (other than cropping/resizing), but it may be just the thing you want underneath your nifty map data. I'm particularly fond of the "terrain" layer which is text free and has nice hill shading. 

Another excellent source is Natural Earth Data. It is a site supported by NACIS (the North American Cartographic Information Society). It offers a variety of quality basemaps at different scales ready for use in ArcMap. Definitely worth checking out!

If you find another site that has good text-free basemaps for free (be it through downloads or screen shots), post a comment with a link!

Bivariate Map Examples

These two links showcase a variety of Lab 10's that students have done in the past. Same geographic boundary (NC), but a wide variety of topics, style pairings, and design. Use this final lab assignment to push your design skills one last time before jumping into the final project!

Due Dates (for Tues/Thurs folks)

Lab 8: Isoline due on your blog today by start of lab.
Lab 9: Dot Density due next Tuesday Nov 11th at the start of lab.
Lab 10: We will begin next Tuesday Nov 11th. It is the last regular lab.

25 Years After the Wall Fell

Great article and map series highlighting the cultural divides that still exist in Germany on the eve of 25 years since the Berlin Wall fell:

Final Project Proposals due today! Presentations today and Thursday.

Uh, yeah. In case you forgot. Need to write-up your idea. Cover the major points. Verify you can get the data. There is a post in the past covering the details. It all goes on your blog along with 1 or more example maps that relate to the theme of your map and/or the design of your map. Remember that you need to create a map from scratch that is unique or a major improvement on an existing map.

For the presentation (also covered on an earlier blog post), you'll come up and summarize your topic. Show us your example(s). Answer any questions we ask. Easy!

Friday, October 31, 2014

More info on Mason Shuttle Map Competition

I spoke with Dr. Delamater and he emphasized that this is meant to be fun!

Once you email him with your intent to make a map, he will email back the data. There is an Adobe Illustrator version perfect for 310 students. Once you finish your map, email it to him. He will take care of the printing! Unlike previous years where the maps were taped to the wall of the Center of the Arts, Dr. Delameter will be printing several maps on a plotter sheet and affixing them on large boards. Should look nice.

As for the presentation...there is nothing you have to do! You do not need to be there to compete and they will not ask you any questions. Easy.

Lastly, emailing him your intent to compete is non-binding. If things get too busy, that's fine. Just let him know you need to back out.

I'll give you 20 extra credit points for entering a map.
Intent emails are due

Do it!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

GIS Day & Student Competitions

GIS Day is coming up on Wednesday Nov 19th. This year there are two student competitions: a Student Poster Competition and a Mason Shuttle Map. Entering either one (regardless of your outcome in the competition) will yield **20 Extra Credit points**

You must email your intent to present by this Friday, Oct 31 (this has been extended and is different from what the flyers state). The class and I will help give you feedback on your map/poster.

The Mason Shuttle Map is particularly suited to this class -- they are offering the data in Illustrator (.ai) format!

The Student Poster Competition showcases the results of your own research.

There will also be point given for attending the GIS Day event on Wed. Nov 19th. Handout will appear the day before the event.

Lab 8: Isoline example maps

NOTE: Some of these maps were map with different data values/locations so use these as design references (not as interpolation guides)!

Weekly Blog Map #9: Dot Density

You know the routine: track down an interesting example map online and post it on your blog with an explanation as to why you selected that map. Dot density is your task this week. Population maps, as you can tell, are popular, but there are loads of topics out there. See what you can find!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dots...and more dots

For Lab 9, aim for 1000 to 2000 total dots on the map (1500 works). Yes, that is a heck of a lot of dots. But this is the way to make a very nice distribution. Dot density maps are not hard to make, they just take time (and lots of patience).

How do you decide the value of your dot? It is a little guessing, a little sleuthing. First, I'd say that 1500 dots is a very, very rough guide for the total number on your entire map (not necessarily the case for other states). With that in mind, you could add up all the values in your data and divide it by 1500. The number you will get is your first guess. Next you need to make sure that your county with the smallest number of values will have a min of 1 dot (if it has data, it should really have a dot). If it has no data, then it can be blank). If your smallest value is, say 532, then aim to make your dot value 500 or lower.

Some comments about the sample map in the write-up:
1.The dot in the legend has a small box around it. I hate that box. Please don't but a box around it! Showing the dot in the legend is optional. If you feel it is so small it will get lost, leave it out.
2. In the example map, the ancillary idea was taken too far. I feel as if I'm looking at the major highways of WV -- too many lines of dots and clumps. This is the finesse part -- learning to scatter but let some clumps. Do aim to have the highest value location coalesce (and potentially a few more places depending on your data).
3. Yes, I emphasized "small" dots. But don't go too small. Again, try mapping the county with the highest number of values to gauge the density of the dots.
4. Keeping your basemap on a layer separate from the dots will help you resize dots if needed. And you can lock the basemap so it doesn't move. And you can more easily give it a tinted fill or fiddle with the boundary line thickness/tints.
5. If you find tricks or have questions, please post a comment here. Thanks!

Weekly Blog Post #8: Isoline map

Find a map example of the isoline/contour variety. Any topic. Find something interesting!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dots! (and more dots and more dots and more dots)

Here are some dot maps to peruse:

Chicago Race/Ethnicity and Income:

A series of maps inspired from the previous set for 103 different urban zones in the US:

And just some interesting maps:

Monday, October 27, 2014

Lab 8: Intro for Tues/Thurs folks this Tues

Just a reminder that Lab 8 was pushed back to this Tues (Oct 28th) so that the class could continue to work on Lab 7.

Lab 7: Proportional Symbol is due at the start of lab tomorrow (Oct 28th).

Show & Tell

Yes...Show & Tell. You might be a big ol' college student but I'm bringing back preschool. In a good way. I promise.

In an effort to hear more from each of you in the class and see a wider variety of maps I want you to bring in (or pull up online) and map of your choosing. Show it to the class. Tell us why you selected it and what is unique about it. Inspire us. Five minutes max.

What kind of map? Ideally it is a map that you have used for something (work, travel, or research), or you made it in the past, or saw it at a museum, or it highlighted a phenomena in a whole new way OR simply you were awestruck by it. No restrictions....but it has to be a quality map. Paper maps are encouraged, but it can be a digital format. It can be a singular map or a component of a larger product.

When is this due? You have to have it ready to present sometime before the last day of class. Aim for sooner rather than later! It is worth 20 points (5 for your map pick and 15 for what you say). Should be easy and informal!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Using Open Street Map in Ebola crisis zones

Interesting article on the rapid mapping techniques of OSM in areas with little Google Map coverage. It is mapping on demand to help those in need and the folks there to help. A win-win!

You can map anything if you can find data..

From an article in the Washington Post identifying the countries that drink the (apparently) unpleasant beverage.

Smooth Continuous Surfaces

Some graphics of isolines:
James Niehues -- Ski Map god:
The go-to site for shaded relief info:

Shaded Relief

This site ( ) is an excellent source of information, images, and trends in shaded relief and mapping physical environments. I highly recommend you check it out!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Map of Texting Fines by State

Interesting map -- simple but informative.

Lab due dates

Lab 6: Color -- due at the END of lab today (Tues Oct 21)
Lab 7: Proportional Symbol -- due Tuesday Oct 28 at the start of lab
Lab 8: Isarithmic Map -- due Thursday Oct 30 at the start of lab

Yes, there is overlap...but you still have a week to complete each one.

One more thing to think about with your final project

There are two map competitions for college students (one sponsored by National Geographic and one by CaGIS). Your final project map could certainly be designed to be entered into one (or both) of these. 

Also you should look at NACIS (North American Cartographic Information Society). They have their own competitions and are more at the forefront of mapping that any other oganization:

Final Project Proposal Presentation

In addition to the written proposal posted to your blog, I'm having everyone give a quick presentation of the topic you will be mapping. The goal is to gather lots of resources and feedback right from the start.

For the presentation: No powerpoint needed. Show us your blog and paraphrase your proposal. If you are inspired by an online map, show us! Explain how yours will be different/better/more detailed, etc. If you cannot find a site online similar to your idea, find an example of the style of map you want to create as a visual reference point. Make sure you have at least one map to show that connects in some way to your proposal.

Presentations will be on the same day as the proposal-- Tuesday Nov 4th

Final Project Topic and Proposal

For the topic, think of something interesting, something that could link up with a project for a different class (I'm ok with double-dipping), or just something you've been curious to see as a map. Anything goes -- any topic is fair game (well, provided it won't get me in trouble).

Single variable maps are the easiest (and what I recommend). I will, however, let you make a bivariate map (2 datasets). Three or more datasets on one map are prohibited for this project (they get logarithmically more complex). Just one word of caution on bivariate: don't get caught up trying to answer a question with the map (i.e. don't think of this as a GIS project where you need a map to show a result). For this class, the *map* is the key component. Doesn't matter if the topic has been done before, just so long as your map is fantastic. Focus your energy on the graphic not the data.

In order to make the map you must have data. Really search for the data before you settle in on your topic. This is often the "make or break" step of an idea. If there is a topic you love but can't find any data, let me know and I'll do some sleuthing as well. And Joy Suh, the Geography-oriented librarian at Fenwick library is also an excellent resource (for both data and ideas). I recommend seeing her if you are stumped. One last approach is to find a bad map of interesting data, and set about making it better (much, much better).

To help you nail down your idea (and communicate it to me) I want your to write a proposal. It needs to be a well-written blog post of around 500 words covering the following points:
-map subject
-reason why this is your pick
-map audience
-type of map you're envisioning
-scope of map (world? Virginia? Dorm room?)
-data specs (note where the data is from, the year, the size/complexity of the dataset, and the apparent accuracy)
-basemap needed for map
-expected production steps (be realistic and calendar focused)
-challenges you perceive

***The Final Project Proposal is due Tuesday Nov 4th at the start of lecture*** You must have it posted to your blog by then. If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to hear your ideas. Fire away!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Weekly Blog Map #7: Proportional Symbol know the drill. Find a map online that is a well crafted example of a proportional symbol/graduated circle map. Any topic. Any symbol (geometric or mimetic).

Graduated Symbols

Neat graduated circle map projecting US pop in 2050 with graduated circles emphasizing major urban centers:

Very nice interactive map from NYTimes of Immigration data from 1880. Has both choropleth and graduated circle variations:

Visualizing the US power grid (note the isoline version as well):

World population: Not the snazziest symbols, but I bet you like the 2.5D aspect:

And to be topical, here are two Ebola maps with graduated symbols: 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lab 7 Example Maps

Above: Well done. Great legend. Nice size range and crisp identifiable symbol (but you get to use color!)

Above: Creative legend! Nice use of drop shadows (which help with figure/ground contrast). To apply the drop shadow you will need to "group" your counties first. This defines the outside of the whole state as the boundary to receive the shadow. Otherwise you may get internal shadows on some of the counties which looks odd.
Above: very nice example. Good symbol and legend. Rotated with north arrow.

Above: Another good example. Also rotated with small north arrow. 
Above: This student really pushed the design! Unique legend and background.

Above: more complicated dataset (diverging). Also uses a photo as the background. 
Above: Nice icon. You can always start searching for a "vector" image -- you may get lucky. If you only find raster examples (and aren't keen on hand crafting one in Illustrator) bring in the raster version and trace vector linework on top of it. Then delete the original raster ("white box") version.