Thursday, October 23, 2014

Show & Tell

Yes...Show & Tell. You might be a big ol' college student but I'm bringing back preschool. In a good way. I promise.

In an effort to hear more from each of you in the class and see a wider variety of maps I want you to bring in (or pull up online) and map of your choosing. Show it to the class. Tell us why you selected it and what is unique about it. Inspire us. Five minutes max.

What kind of map? Ideally it is a map that you have used for something (work, travel, or research), or you made it in the past, or saw it at a museum, or it highlighted a phenomena in a whole new way OR simply you were awestruck by it. No restrictions....but it has to be a quality map. Paper maps are encouraged, but it can be a digital format. It can be a singular map or a component of a larger product.

When is this due? You have to have it ready to present sometime before the last day of class. Aim for sooner rather than later! It is worth 20 points (5 for your map pick and 15 for what you say). Should be easy and informal!

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