Thursday, December 4, 2014

Final Project Info!!

Final Project Presentations are Thurs Dec 11th from 10:30am -1:15pm. It is my hope that we can get through everyone in that one time block. In fact, I'm betting everything on it. Presentations of completed maps move much quicker than critiques. 

Presentations will be informal: show the class your finished map, discuss the theme and audience of the map, the production steps, any hurdles encountered, and the end product. You'll be asked a few questions and then you're done. No critiquing. The Final Project/Presentation is worth 150 points. You will lose points if you do not attend or arrive significantly late / leave early. Please be courteous to your classmates and give them your attention. 

What do you need to turn in? The .ai of the final version of your map and the highest quality static version you can generate (png or jpg). I will view (and grade) the static version but want a copy of the .ai as backup. You do not need to print anything. And although we will all be viewing your map on the classroom's computer projector, I will use a nice, quality computer monitor to grade your map. 

How do you turn in your files? Upload them to the shared class Dropbox folder. Both the .ai and the static file you posted on your blog (please put your name in your file names). If you have any questions, please ask!

When do you turn in your files? **By 10:30am Thursday Dec 11th.** THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SYLLABUS. Because we are only using one of our 3 allotted final exam blocks I want the projects turned in when we begin. Make sure you upload the .ai and static as indicated above by 10:30am and you'll be all set. 

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