Friday, November 14, 2014


The Final Project Critique is a time to receive feedback on your in-progress map. Prepare a minimum of 3 questions to ask the class regarding your map. It can be on anything -- layout, projection, symbols, colors, classes, type, you name it. If you want to show more than one version of the map, that's great! Each student will get the lectern for 10 minutes.

You must attend class all 4 days (Thursday Nov 20, Tuesday Nov 25, Tuesday Dec 2, Thursday Dec 4) for an opportunity to receive credit for the critique. The 50 points are broken down as follows:
10 points: Showing the class your in-progress final map and asking, at minimum, 3 questions. 

10 points (11-20): participating in the discussion (lecture block)
10 points (11-25): participating in the discussion (lecture block)
10 points (12-2): participating in the discussion (lecture block)
10 points (12-4): participating in the discussion (lecture block)

I will be keeping a tally of the comments. Make a few good comments/suggestions that day and you'll get the full 10 points. One comment (or arriving late) will yield partial credit (5 points). Say nothing: 1 point. There is no makeup for missing a class day. And you must present on your correct day!

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