Monday, October 13, 2014

Notes on Lab 6: Color

1. The lab write-up states that your neatline must have a background that is something other than white or black...but I'm guessing some of you are not reading the instructions all the way through. So to be blunt: put a colored fill in your neatline (and yes, you need a neatline!). I did say in lab that I'd accept black (which I can't take back), but I absolutely do not want white. Selecting a color that complements your map and does not compete for attention is a trial and error process I want you to work through. Lab 6 shouldn't be a super quick gray-to-color switch. It is a DESIGN lab.

2. I demoed the ColorBrewer utility in lab on Thursday and if you're keen on bringing the colors right into Illustrator I have good news: Rob figured it out! Export your chosen color ramp from the ColorBrewer as an Adobe Illustrator Swatch Exchange File. In Illustrator, go to the Swatches panel. The bottom left corner has a button (library button) -- click on it. Select at the bottom "Other library..." and search to find where ever Windows saved your Adobe Illustrator Swatch Exchange File. It should come right into your Swatches panel! (though if you change computers I'm not sure if it will stay with your lab file or will need to be reattached)

3. Lab 6 is due at the END of lab on Thursday so you have time to make corrections to anything in your graded Lab 5. I may be able to get the graded lab 5's dropped off in the GGS student lab before Thursday....I'll let you know.

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