Thursday, October 16, 2014

**Class Cancelled Today!**

**Today's class and lab (Thursday Oct 16th) are cancelled**

I apologize for the late notice but I just don't feel well. I got up and showered and figured I'd improve but I haven't. :(

So…Lab 6 will be pushed back to the END of lab next TUES 10-21. I will try to drop off the graded Lab 5's to the GGS student lab tomorrow so you can pick it up and see if any changes need to be made. 

We were supposed to begin Lab 7: Proportional Symbol today. I will push that back, too. Will send out notice later when I figure it out. I will also update the class calendar. 

If you see any classmates, please tell them! I don't want to miss anyone. 

-Professor Hallden

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