Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lab 7 Example Maps

Above: Well done. Great legend. Nice size range and crisp identifiable symbol (but you get to use color!)

Above: Creative legend! Nice use of drop shadows (which help with figure/ground contrast). To apply the drop shadow you will need to "group" your counties first. This defines the outside of the whole state as the boundary to receive the shadow. Otherwise you may get internal shadows on some of the counties which looks odd.
Above: very nice example. Good symbol and legend. Rotated with north arrow.

Above: Another good example. Also rotated with small north arrow. 
Above: This student really pushed the design! Unique legend and background.

Above: more complicated dataset (diverging). Also uses a photo as the background. 
Above: Nice icon. You can always start searching for a "vector" image -- you may get lucky. If you only find raster examples (and aren't keen on hand crafting one in Illustrator) bring in the raster version and trace vector linework on top of it. Then delete the original raster ("white box") version. 

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