Thursday, August 28, 2014

Setting up da Blog

So this week's lab task is to get your personal webspace setup on Blogger. On Blackboard you'll find the slides I showed in class with the required elements. Essentially you need a blog, a picture of yourself, your first name, 3 links (one is the class website), and your first post.

I want to add one more Archive of your posts. This is a default element on the blog templates but you may have deleted it. It is very helpful to be able to click back in time to see what you've done.

One final for the picture, if you do not want to use your Google profile pic (and all the stuff that accompanies it) you can go a different route. Add one more gadget (Image) from the Layout sidebar and upload your selfie to it. Add your name as a caption and you're set.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Illustrator Pricing

This semester we will be using Adobe Illustrator for our static map production (all 10 labs plus final project). The software is available in the classroom, in the GGS computer lab, and a few additional computer labs on campus. You do not need to buy the software to do well in the class. That being said, many students want the flexibility to work on their own device at any location any time.

In the last two years Adobe has shifted to an online service for their software. Coined the "Creative Cloud" or CC, the service enables fast access to programs with a monthly subscription rate. The Academic rate of $19.99/month (with an annual contract) gives you access to a wide variety of programs (Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks, InDesign, etc.). You can download just what you need and use it on your own device. Not cheap...but the convenience is something to consider.

Here is a link to the Academic rates:

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Illustrator Versions

One note about Illustrator: there are different versions in the dept.

Our classroom has the latest version (CC2014). There are 36 copies in there (every row but the last one on the left side as you enter the room looking at the back windows). The Creative Cloud (CC) version has rolling mini-updates from Adobe.

The GGS student lab has the prior version (CS6). It is stand-alone software and will not have rolling updates.

If you want to move between the 2 rooms, you will want to save to the lowest common version (CS6). This can be done through Save As...   If you purchase a subscription to the Creative Cloud, you should be able to move between the classroom and your machine without issue (fingers crossed!).

If you want to send me a copy of your lab for help/feedback, I am currently using CS6 so you will need to "save down" as well.

If you ever have any issues, please ask!

Impressive Combination of Journalism and Cartography

A Rouge State Along Two Rivers by the New York Times. The crew at the NYT puts out timely, rich pieces that are well worth dissecting. We will examine many of them this semester. This is one of the more recent ones.


You've found the homepage for GGS310: Intro to Digital Cartography at George Mason University. This blog will serve as the digital hub of class information, graphics, comments, and ideas. Glad you found it!