Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lab 3: Harpers Ferry Map -- Important Info've been working diligently on your lab -- mimicking the labels from the master printout. You go to print it out (to check your placements and sizes and colors) and find it is smaller than the master print. And when you Save for the is much smaller.

What should you do?

Hand in the map at 100% size (no scaling) in color with a landscape orientation (which can be set in the printing window). I will grade the printed size and understand the corresponding difference in font size. With 31 maps to grade, I will quickly learn the target size.

For the blog copy, use the normal Save for Web... You may have to use the Hand tool to move the map into the visible window. Try deselecting the "Clip to Artboard" button. Save as PNG-24. That should suffice for the blog.

Questions? Post a comment to this post.

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